Sunday, March 01, 2009

It has been too long!

While "Inspiration" was a fairly good catch-up article, a few things have happened since then.  I got a job at Malta ISD.  This is a small school in a community called Malta.  It is about a 12 mile drive for me to get to work.  The kids go to work with me everyday.  I love that part.  I am in my 2nd year there as the 5th and 6th grade English teacher and History teacher.  I love my job!!!  The school has grades pre-k through 6th grade and only has 110 students.  I have 7 5th graders and 7 6th graders.  I have the fantastic opportunity to work with a veteran teacher of 30 years.  She quickly became my mentor and friend.  Not many teachers get the privilege to have such a fantastic opportunity such as that.  We work very well together.  To say I am blessed in my career would be the understatement of the year!

We finished our beautiful home!  We moved in just in time for the twin's 7th birthday party in early November 2008.  In fact, our first official night in the house was spent with 7 kids that slept over after the party.  We wanted to break it in real good!  The home building process began when we ordered the house plans in April of 2007.  Because of a weather delay (i.e.rain, rain, and, oh yeah, rain!)  we did not lay the foundation until December of 2007.  So it took us right at a year to build the house.  That was pretty amazing considering Donald was the general contractor on the job while building several businesses, I was working as a first year teacher, and we did all the finish work, on the inside and outside of the house, ourselves.  Did I mention, we lived in a one bedroom apartment, all the while.  Yes, that's right, we slept in the same room together for over a year!!!  It was all GOD.  It is the only explanation.  Without His provisions this would not have been possible.  I look back on that time with great wonder.  It was an impossible task for any family to endure.  There is only One who can perform impossible tasks.  We like to call those miracles, 'round here.

I will catch up more later, hungry kids are-a-callin'.