Monday, August 08, 2005

No luck on the job-front...UGH!!!

I took a slight break from blogging to peruse a time consuming, full-time job in itself, FINDING A JOB!!!! My frustration does not come from the job search process, my qualifications or my ability to get a job. The problem is the income. More specifically, the income I must have to make it even slightly worth going back to work. The price of child care is so incredibly high in this area (having three young children does not help either). It just does not make any sense to me AT ALL to pay someone else to take care my kids, for me to work ONLY to pay them to do so. I guess I am just a practical person like that, call me crazy!

I am not greedy or money hungry in the slightest (anyone who KNOWS me knows this is true). I just want to bring home a little extra money (after paying for child care) to help our family SURVIVE in this area that has a much higher cost of living than we are used to.

The problem came when I put it on paper and realized my income requirements were WAY higher than companies are willing to pay for my qualifications for a position. I have a BA, tons of experience and the salary the companies are offering are very reasonable for the job, it just does not fit in with my child care budget (which is more than my mortgage!).

So lets look at the child care issue. My oldest only needs after school care, one twins needs half-day care (he will be in half day special-ed) and the other twin will need full day care. So we are not even talking about three full time kids. I honestly don't know how people do it.

In addition, we do not have anyone here (like family) to help offset the cost of child care so EVERY TIME we do anything without the kids, it is costing us to do so! I am not complaining about having my kids, they are great kids! Plus, I DO gain tremendous satisfaction and joy taking care of my family! I know I am great at my job. Its just that I had the idea a few weeks ago to contribute financially to our family a little bit and have since become quite frustrated that there is NO WAY for me to do it. No one likes to feel like they have don't have options or choices for their lives. I guess its just that is how I am feeling right now.

THE PLAN FOR NOW (and suggestion to others in this predicament): To continue looking for ways to cut back where we can, searching for opportunities to earn extra money where I can and giving my ALL everyday to be the BEST MOM and WIFE I can possibly be!!!
That is really all I can do until they are in school full time, which on the bright side, is ONLY two years away. THEN, look out DC, here I come!!!


Phil said...

My wife & I have had this discussion many times. She feels she is not contributing if she is not contributing financially. Having only one 'bread winner' has been very tough, frankly.

But, like you are finding out, it just isn't worth it. You cant make enough money to offset the daycare (usually, unless you were some top executive before you had kids) - and if you can't make it worth your while, I'd rather have her (or if she can better my salary, me) take care of my girls than some stranger. We just have to tighten our belts for the time being.

On the other hand, you need some sanity too, and having twins plus one all the time can drive you nutty, so I understand that part of it.

Not an easy call to make.

Mel said...

I came by way of, great site :)

Have you thought about doing some "at home" work? Like Avon, Mary Kay, etc.
I particularly love the perks of the "Stampin' Up" demonstrators, if you are into crafts/scrapbooking...

Just a thought...

caasmom said...

Actually, mel, I used to sell Pampered Chef. It was fun, but I discovered that I am NOT very good at sell or marketing. Two things that are a must with home based businesses like those. I love the products though and will forever be a customer (Pampered Chef, MaryKay, Creative Memories, etc.), but I just am not great at selling them.

Thanks for the suggestions though, I always welcome help!!!