Sunday, July 03, 2005

Are they Identical?

What do you think?

A fellow MOM reminded me of something today. When the twins were small, newborn babies and we were out in public, people would ask me "are they identical?" Now, I have BOY/GIRL twins. And, I confess, I usually dressed them alike when they were babies. However, it was always pink and blue outfits. This apprently still happens to new MOMs and even though mine are four years old now, it occationally happens to me. Here is how the conversation would usually go:

Stranger: Can I see your babies?
Me: Sure.

Stranger: Oh they are so cute.
Me: Thanks.

Stranger: Are they twins?
Me: Yes.

Stranger: What kind of twins are they?
Me: (Thinking: Human.) Boy/Girl.

Stranger: Are they Identical?
Me: (Thinking: All except for one major part!) Said: No, they are fraternal

Stranger: (then looking at Caleb and the triple stroller)
Boy, you sure do have your hands full!!!

I would usually walk away with a smile at this point and attempt to finish my errands.

Oh, I know they meant well and to them this was perhaps the only time they had this conversation that day or week. But for me I would hear the "hands full" phrase and have this conversation about ten times during any given trip to the mall or store. I used to say that I wanted to make and where a shirt that read:

YES, they are twins AND YES my hands ARE full!!

Rude? Yeah, I know. And I am too nice of a person to ever have done it. But now that they are older and all about the same size, people think they are triplets. It's ok now, the attention (when they are acting appropriate) can be positive for them and me. People still say, "you have your hands full", it just does not bother as much anymore.


Anonymous said...

"Yeah, and now that you've noticed I have my hands full, how about lending me a hand??"

caasmom said...

No kidding, but you know me, TOO NICE!!

Elaine said...

I hate the "hands full" comment. I get that when I'm pushing the double stroller and pulling a grocery cart full of food. No shit, I have my hands full. Also, I get the same thing - I have B/G twins and I can't believe how many people ask me, even knowing they are different genders, if they are identical. I usually reply that the fact that they are different genders automatically discounts identicallity but my husband says that's not nice!

caasmom said...

But being stressed from a trip with twins in the first place is enough to make anyone not want to be so nice, we are just in survival mode at that point, completely understandable. Like I always say, "walk in my shoes."