Thursday, June 30, 2005

Career Whoa's

It has been a while since I had a full time job (where I actually got paid anyway). But when I did have an 8-5, I worked, I got vacation days, sick days, holidays, etc. I worked when I had to, and when those vacation or holidays came about, I took them. I worked in a college office setting, so only during registration were there any days that I worked over my scheduled hours (we had to register everyone in line regardless of how long it took). So, about 14 working days out of the year, I would have to say "I don't know when I will be home."

So here is my question. Is it "NORMAL" to say "I don't know when I will be home" EVERY SINGLE DAY SOMEONE GOES TO WORK? I feel at some point during the day one must get an inkling as to when one will be done. But some unfortunate souls, this is NOT the case.

Furthermore, if one has a job like this, they should be so abundantly financially compensated for their ridiculous overtime hours that it made it all worth it, RIGHT? But, would any normal, sane person work like that everyday for SALARY!?!?!?!?

THEN, when holidays or vacations are looming in the near future, would this anonymous sane, normal person who works 16-17 hours a day, put in the extra time only to make up for the hours they will soon be missing? Is that REALLY a vacation if you have to make up the hours before and after you take it????

Maybe the working world has changed since I was apart of it. But I just don't think this kind of career life is normal. Your thoughts???


Anonymous said...

Sadly, this is becoming the norm for the white collar class... I feel sorry for the next generation!

Anonymous said...

3.5 more years 'til Texas can do it!! 'Cause yes, for some reason we live for our clients more than for ourselves sometimes...

caasmom said...

Well, You know I hate to whine....haha. It is just difficult to understand since I have never been in that type of job. Thanks for the encouragement BFF!