Sunday, October 09, 2005

Discipline without shouting? Spanking? Huh?

With the age of my children growing larger, so does my patience grow thinner.

After a very honest discussion with some of my sister's in 'Twindom' on Thursday night I realized, once again, that I am not the only one who has problems with trying to balance a PEACEFUL, yet EFFECTIVE, form of disciplining our multiples without shouting or even spanking. Which is why I love to go out with them, feeling apart of a group is always more satisfying than feeling alone in any situation. I always walk away feeling refreshed and empowered. Thank you ladies!!!

Anyway, I decided that I needed to do some research, AGAIN, on discipline to see if there is something more out there to help those of us who truly want a more peaceful relationship with our children. Usually I only search child care in general, but this time I found something specifically catering to the mom's of multiples out there.

It is a group of three book from the authors and experts at Twins Magazine. It is a Discipline Packet that covers topics of dealing with the difficult task of parenting multiples so they can become the glowing examples of angelic behavior that they are in our sweetest dreams!

I can't say that I can or am willing to practice all the suggestions, but I know I am always up to learning any new technique that MAY make my job as a MOM a little easier.

Here is the link if you want to check it out:


Kathryn Is So Over said...

Omigawd, horrible flashbacks, C!! My mother read "how to talk so your kids will listen" when my sister and I were in high school (we're not twins). I think it failed because we saw her reading it and were old enough to know when she was speaking differently and trying things out of the book, so we mocked her mercilessly. I sincerely hope it works better for you!! Read after bedtime!! :)

caasmom said...

Thanks for the advise, I will definitely keep that in mind!!!

: )

Ross said...

Paulo loves you.


Anonymous said...

Paulo looks somewhat like that guy at 7-11 who thinks you're pretty ;-)

caasmom said...

No way cookie, Paulo is MUCH hotter! he he : )