Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Getting 2 Know You

We are just getting to know Belle. After all, she has only been around a couple of months. Here are some of the things we are discovering about our new family member:

*She enjoys sleeping on the couch, in CJ's bed or in her bed.
*She loves to sleep on her back or as close to me as possible if I am on the couch with her.
*If the opportunity to run out the front door arises, she takes it. She loves the chase of us trying to catch her and only makes her run farther. But if you just close the door, when your re-open it in two minutes, she will be on the porch waiting to come back in. (this discovery has made life much easier)
*When she is in the fenced back yard and ready to come in, she lets out the tiniest "woof" as if to say "please, may I come in now", quite charming.
*She barks incessantly at the vacuum. This is one of those things that are cute the first time. Now she goes outside when I vacuum.
*She also thinks the dog in the mirror is another dog in which she must growl or bark. (another one of those cute the first time things)
*We used to get concerned about her growling at the kids. Now we realize it is just her way of saying "I have had enough, go away" and she has yet to take it further. She has proven herself to be a VERY tolerant dog with all things (kids, other dogs, baths, etc).
*She also enjoys howling with all the other dogs in the neighborhood whenever they hear a siren (also, only cute the first time).
*She loves to GO and hates to see us leave without her, so within seconds of walking out the door, she has jumped up into our bay window and stays there until we return. It is so sweet!

As with all new relationships, I think we were a little guarded so as not to get too close too fast just in case things did not work out. But each day, our bond grows a little stronger and she becomes more a part of our lives.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Yes, I'm still blogging

Ugh! I know it has been a while since my last post, but I have been under a little bit of stress lately. Although I can't Imagine why?!?! You see I have been spending a lot of time lately writing in my hand written journal, which I tend to do during stressful times.

See, my blog is just one way I vent. I also keep a hand written journal that is much more personal. Of course my handwritten one has a much smaller audience (me only) than that of my blog (but...then again, according to the number of comments I get maybe not, hehe). But that's ok, I do it all for me in either case.

Anyway, I think hand writing is becoming a lost art and being an English major, a writer, and a lover of the English language as I am, handwriting is very special and important for me to do often. And I am of the opinion that everyone should engage in this lost art as much as possible. Well, enough about that.

Live 2 Brag

I shall now catch ya'll up on this crazy ride that is my life as a parent (AKA, BRAGGING, hehe):

The big boy (CJ) is doing so much better in kindergarten! He is actually reading on his own now. Not pre-reading, but actually reading AND spelling. Even better than that, he loves it! One of his favorite pastimes is to perform in mock spelling bees with me. SOOO CUTE!! In addition, his marks in behavior have been consistently excellent for several weeks now. He also has become quite interested in learning to play the piano. He will begin lessons today with yours truly! ; )

One thing I did not see coming, was the eagerness the twins are exhibiting in learning to read, spell and write because CJ is doing the same. Of course (like many parents) we always hoped that CJ would be a good influence in that way to the twins, but since they don't get along most of the time, I simply did not see this hope coming to fruition. I love that it has!!

Though the growing pains for our family have been difficult, the rewards are great! I am very proud of my kids, can ya tell?!?!?!

BTW, just an update on quitting smoking:
I am now 1 Month, 1 Day, 11 Hours and 20 Minutes into my new nicotine-free lifestyle. While extending my life expectancy by 2 Days and 6 Hours and I have avoided smoking 649 cigarettes that would have cost me $97.55. I am also proud to say the my hubby is right there with me, too. YEA!!!!

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Way 2 Much Madness

Do you ever have one of those days where you are just GRUMPY!?!?! Nothing you or anyone does makes you feel better. Nothing you do is right, nothing anyone says is right, all things in the universe are wrong and frankly are just pissing you off!!! And there seems to be nothing you can do about it.

Ever have one of those days? Well, welcome to my humpday!!! The short list of my complaints today include whiny twins, traffic, a kindergartener getting in major trouble at school, three kids who do not listen to me in general, traffic, a husband working late, changed plans, sore throat, headaches, lets not forget incessant whining and last but not least, TRAFFIC!! Its more madness than any one sane person can stand in a day (or should have to).

Venting session is now over. Just having difficult time today finding positives.

Belle's Dogster Page

My husband thinks I am a moron for doing this, he thinks it is absurd and ridiculous that I spent even a second, much less an hour, creating a Dogster page for our new dog and our dearly departed Ellie. Dogster is much like blogging for dogs. (Once again proof that I occationally have WAY too much time on my hands especially since quitting smoking.) I thought it was rather adorable and enjoyed writing about our newest family member. Check it out and let me know what you think.

MY BET IS: If you are a dog person, you will think it is adorable quickly create one for your own dog, if you have one.

If you are NOT a dog person, you will feel as my husband does.

OH YEAH, BTW.....Have been nicotine-free for 19 days, 15 hours and 23 minutes, skipped 393 cigarettes, saved $58.97 and gained 1 day, 8 hours and 44 minutes of my life back so far.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Who couldn't use more time and money???

My name is Caasmom and I am a nicotine addict. I have stopped nicotine for 14 days, 19 hours and 7 minutes. I have not smoked 296 cigarettes, gained 32 hours of free time and saved $44.42 during the last 14 days. I have saved 1 day and 39 minutes of my life.

It has been tough to say the least. But information is key. Knowing what to expect made quitting easier. That's why I did so with the help of It made sense and it worked for me and my husband.

I quit without patches, lozenges, gum or any nicotine replacement what so ever. That's right folks, cold turkey! And did I mention I went through withdrawals at the same time as my husband, during Christmas, with 9 people in my house (including in-laws and parents) and during PMS. I am a glutton for punishment, what can I say. But seriously, it really helped to be so distracted. And the support of D and my family made life better during the 72 hour withdrawal period.

I am committed this time. And I will be a non-smoker for the rest of my, longer and hopefully healthier, life. The following are a few of the reasons I quit:

-To save money.
-Healthier life.
-Fewer colds and sicknesses.
-To be a better influence on my kids and others.
-Dislike smelly hair, clothes, fingers, car.
-Smoking outside in bad weather.
-Smoking alone outside of a party.
-Wanting to have more time during the day.
-Burn holes in clothes, car seats.
-Dislike look and smell of outside ashtrays.
-Being looked at like a leper when smoking in public.
-Often worrying about offending others when smoking.
-Missing out on parts of smoke-free events to go outside to smoke.
-Feeling frustrated/aggravated/grumpy/rude when smoking is not possible.
-Feeling anxious about not being able to smoke .
-Having to miss out on events where smoking is not allowed, choosing smoking over events and being forced to choose in the first place.
-Feeling light-headed and sick when I smoke too much or first thing in the morning.

Quitting smoking immediately resolved most of these, others will take time or may never be fixed at all. But I just take it one day, hour and minute at a time.