Friday, January 06, 2006

Who couldn't use more time and money???

My name is Caasmom and I am a nicotine addict. I have stopped nicotine for 14 days, 19 hours and 7 minutes. I have not smoked 296 cigarettes, gained 32 hours of free time and saved $44.42 during the last 14 days. I have saved 1 day and 39 minutes of my life.

It has been tough to say the least. But information is key. Knowing what to expect made quitting easier. That's why I did so with the help of It made sense and it worked for me and my husband.

I quit without patches, lozenges, gum or any nicotine replacement what so ever. That's right folks, cold turkey! And did I mention I went through withdrawals at the same time as my husband, during Christmas, with 9 people in my house (including in-laws and parents) and during PMS. I am a glutton for punishment, what can I say. But seriously, it really helped to be so distracted. And the support of D and my family made life better during the 72 hour withdrawal period.

I am committed this time. And I will be a non-smoker for the rest of my, longer and hopefully healthier, life. The following are a few of the reasons I quit:

-To save money.
-Healthier life.
-Fewer colds and sicknesses.
-To be a better influence on my kids and others.
-Dislike smelly hair, clothes, fingers, car.
-Smoking outside in bad weather.
-Smoking alone outside of a party.
-Wanting to have more time during the day.
-Burn holes in clothes, car seats.
-Dislike look and smell of outside ashtrays.
-Being looked at like a leper when smoking in public.
-Often worrying about offending others when smoking.
-Missing out on parts of smoke-free events to go outside to smoke.
-Feeling frustrated/aggravated/grumpy/rude when smoking is not possible.
-Feeling anxious about not being able to smoke .
-Having to miss out on events where smoking is not allowed, choosing smoking over events and being forced to choose in the first place.
-Feeling light-headed and sick when I smoke too much or first thing in the morning.

Quitting smoking immediately resolved most of these, others will take time or may never be fixed at all. But I just take it one day, hour and minute at a time.

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