Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Getting 2 Know You

We are just getting to know Belle. After all, she has only been around a couple of months. Here are some of the things we are discovering about our new family member:

*She enjoys sleeping on the couch, in CJ's bed or in her bed.
*She loves to sleep on her back or as close to me as possible if I am on the couch with her.
*If the opportunity to run out the front door arises, she takes it. She loves the chase of us trying to catch her and only makes her run farther. But if you just close the door, when your re-open it in two minutes, she will be on the porch waiting to come back in. (this discovery has made life much easier)
*When she is in the fenced back yard and ready to come in, she lets out the tiniest "woof" as if to say "please, may I come in now", quite charming.
*She barks incessantly at the vacuum. This is one of those things that are cute the first time. Now she goes outside when I vacuum.
*She also thinks the dog in the mirror is another dog in which she must growl or bark. (another one of those cute the first time things)
*We used to get concerned about her growling at the kids. Now we realize it is just her way of saying "I have had enough, go away" and she has yet to take it further. She has proven herself to be a VERY tolerant dog with all things (kids, other dogs, baths, etc).
*She also enjoys howling with all the other dogs in the neighborhood whenever they hear a siren (also, only cute the first time).
*She loves to GO and hates to see us leave without her, so within seconds of walking out the door, she has jumped up into our bay window and stays there until we return. It is so sweet!

As with all new relationships, I think we were a little guarded so as not to get too close too fast just in case things did not work out. But each day, our bond grows a little stronger and she becomes more a part of our lives.

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