Thursday, June 23, 2005

The grass is always greener...

These are the A.R.L. Ladies, aka by me, My Girls!!!

I watch my single friends go out several nights a week in their endless attempts to find that right guy (or just hang with the girls). Either way, it is my opinion that he cannot be found in the club scene at all. OK in all fairness, perhaps one in a million find their soulmates there, but it is rare and we know it. Yet that is what keeps the rest going, the hope that the next one will be the exception. Then again, the thrill of the chase is just as exciting isn't it???

I was blessed to find my soulmate at a very young age and marry him. Since I truly love my fabulous A.R.L ladies and as the ONLY, that's right, the ONLY married one in the bunch, it is sometimes painful to watch what guys put my girls through. Admittedly, I am super jealous though. I envy their ability to miss sleep knowing there is always the weekend to catch up. My job is seven days a week. My kids demand breakfast at 8 am no matter what day it is or how late I stayed up the night before. (Kids are funny like that.) I am jealous of their freedom to flirt, have first touches, hugs, kisses, and sleep-overs (with or without "hooking-up"). And as envious as I occasionally get, would I give up my home, husband and beautiful sweet babies??? NEVER!!! Just as long as the A.R.L invite me to tag along occasionally and live vicariously through them, I am HAPPY!! I feel like I get the best of both worlds.

The funny thing is, that whether they admit it or not, and some have: They want what I have, too. They want to find their soulmate, true love, settle down, have a family, and all that jazz. If that is what they want, I truly wish them the fairy tale. I hope they find all the chemistry and passion that I was lucky enough to find. And I hope they know, they are more than welcome to live vicariously through me, as well. I am ALWAYS looking for a good babysitter and would even loan one or two of the kids out for a few hours at a time if they wanted the REAL experience! Ok, not really, but the babysitting offer always stands.

POINT: The grass is always greener on the other side. But because of the understanding and support of my hubby, I get to have the best of both worlds, every once and while. LUCKY ME!!


Liz said...

Great blog--and you are right, the grass is always greener!

Anonymous said...

We're not trying to meet Mr. Right in a club, that's just a diversion. However, huge thanks to you and your family for being such an inspiration. Let none of us settle for anything less than the love that the 5 of you share. BFF!!

Kathryn Is So Over said...

What? Mr. Right isn't in all these bars I've been going to? Then WHAT IS THE POINT? :)

Anonymous said...

I met my Mr. Right @ work. Shame shame on me! ;-) But no ring as of we'll see!

caasmom said...

I hope you guys aren't offended, I did not mean this to be about finding Mr. Right or how or where you SHOULD look or ARE looking. I just wanted y'all to know how much I care for y'all and wish you the best in love, that's all, I promise! xoxo