Friday, June 17, 2005

My Links

This is me and my baby daddy.

I wanted to give some background on the links I have added to my blog.

Fairfax County Mother's of Multiples (FCMOM) is the twins club where I am a member and co-second Vice President. I greet new and potential members by phone or email and receive their applications.

National organization of Mother's of Twins Club (NOMOTC) is the same as FCMOM except on the national level. I am a member of this club as well.

Twins Magazine is just that, a magazine the has ads, articles and research on issues dealing with twins and multiples. Very informative!

The dc cookie's blog link takes you to my BFF's fun blog.

The kathrynon's blog link takes you to a friend's blog who is quite a witty and entertaining writer.


Kathryn Is So Over said...

Thanks, C! I am definitely looking forward to learning more about twins from you. But I'm not due for any!!

Anonymous said...

I want pictures!!!!!!!

caasmom said...

I am working on pics, I promise!!!

caasmom said...

OK, Pictures are up!! YEAH!!!