Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Way 2 Much Madness

Do you ever have one of those days where you are just GRUMPY!?!?! Nothing you or anyone does makes you feel better. Nothing you do is right, nothing anyone says is right, all things in the universe are wrong and frankly are just pissing you off!!! And there seems to be nothing you can do about it.

Ever have one of those days? Well, welcome to my humpday!!! The short list of my complaints today include whiny twins, traffic, a kindergartener getting in major trouble at school, three kids who do not listen to me in general, traffic, a husband working late, changed plans, sore throat, headaches, lets not forget incessant whining and last but not least, TRAFFIC!! Its more madness than any one sane person can stand in a day (or should have to).

Venting session is now over. Just having difficult time today finding positives.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


never fun :-(