Tuesday, February 21, 2006

A New Thing 2 Try

This Monday on our free day off we went ice skating! It was the first time on the ice for the kids. And it had been way too many years since D and I had skated, so I was not sure how it would go. We discovered, however, that they really enjoyed it. CJ more so than the twins I think. (But then again, he excels in nearly every sport he tries, so no surprise there.) They were all troopers with trying something new and did much better than I had thought they might.

However they did fall...a lot. The poor things look like they have been abused. They have bruises in places I did not even know a human could bruise. CJ has one that covers his entire elbow and about an inch all the way around it. BA has one on her bum that is questionable at the very least. BB's knees and legs look like he has been pelted with small stones. Not pretty at all.

D and I, thankfully did not fall. But considering age, fitness, old injuries and holding ourselves and the kids steady, I have been feeling it pretty bad this week. I believe "hardly able to walk or move" would accurately describe my days following our "ice-capade" on Monday. D handled it much better than I and actually had to work from home one day because I questioned my ability to adequately take care of the little ones. Sad, so sad.

I believe that my lack of fitness and the extra weight has definitely exacerbated my symptoms. So I have vowed to return to my healthy lifestyle as of today. I know what to do, I have just for some idiotic reason decided to abandon it for the last YEAR! I am getting way to old to ignore my health, wellness and fitness needs. Not to mention the 3 pairs of eyes looking to me daily for guidance to their own health and wellness. Yep, I definitely must get back to my old, much healthier, ways.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Others with 2@1ce

I adore meeting other M.O.M.s (Mothers of Multiples). It is so great to talk to someone in which you feel so many remarks or sidenotes can go un-said because, you know they know what you know, ya know? They know how it feels to worry, times two. Some know what it is like to feel like a dairy heifer. Most know the hideousness of serious sleep deprivation. I think most MOMs enjoy getting advise, giving advise and of course, comparing notes. It makes me feel a part of a special club.

That is one of the reasons I L-O-V-E going to my twin club conventions. There, I am in a room full of hundreds of women for whom I know have walked in my shoes. And that feeling is quite comfortable.

Some of us share a closely similar story, while others are unique, but they have all been there. Some have twins only, twins plus 1, 2, or more. Some have two sets of twins, ouch! Then there are those with higher order multiples, bigger ouch! Some had children very close together, like mine. Others started over by having twins later in life after their first child(ren) was/were grown or out of the house. Some were young when they had them, some had menopause babies. They either stay home with them or work full-time jobs. Some are raising them as a single parent, an even bigger ouch!

Any way you slice it, everyone in that room knows what it is like to have more than one baby at one time. We all know where the rest of us have been and we all respect each other for it. Yes, a very comfortable place to be indeed.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy V-Day 2 You!

D (my hubby) has been of the opinion for the entire time I have known him that Valentine's Day is a Hallmark holiday and therefore does not celebrate it. Early in our relationship I would fight him on this and try to force him into celebrating it. But he is a very stubborn and convincing man, so, if you can't be 'em, join 'em, right? Right. So, now we acknowledge the day. However we do so with out dinners, cards, flowers, chocolates, etc. It really takes the pressure off of us. Don't get me wrong, I am, of course, respectful of others feelings about the holiday. My family got a Valentine card and the kids are doing their Valentine card exchange at school. I'm not a "Valentine Nazi" for crying out loud!

Therefore I shall bid y'all a very Happy Valentine's Day! I do hope it is all you wish it to be!

Monday, February 13, 2006

Snow day? Really?!?!

Hey, I thought is was a pretty good snowman, you know, for a family from Texas and all. : )

The kids THIGH-HIGH in the white stuff Sunday morning.

Apparently, Fairfax Co. Public Schools treat snow as if it were anthrax and feel it would be much too dangerous to expose their students to learning when it is on the GROUND!!! Come on people, the streets are clearer and safer today than they would be if it had rained!!

In all fairness, it was pretty cool this weekend when D was home and our entire family was able to enjoy the snow (snowmen, snow ramps, sledding, etc.) TOGETHER. But HE went to work today and I am not as adventurous with all three when I am on my own because their behavior takes a nose-dive when he is not around.

Example of behavior when Dad is MIA: my oldest son went out in the front yard first thing this morning to sled on the snow ramp we made. I decided to check on him five minutes later. As I am opening the blinds, I see my first born hurling an enormous icy chunk of snow at a passing truck. So now I have one that will be grounded the rest of day, just the icing on the cake! FUN (she screams sarcastically)!!!

So if you believe in God, please pray today for all the moms who are home, and on their own, with ALL their children on this completely ridiculously wasted "snow day". Thank you!

Friday, February 10, 2006

Who Knew? Searching = Good Deed?

Nomotc logo

is very wise to team up with

GoodSearch logo

Perhaps you have heard of this before, but it was news to me.

The National Organization of Mothers of Multiples has joined Goodsearch. You may disagree, but, I think this is a very practicle and effective fundraising tool. All people must do is use Goodsearch to do their online searches and $0.01 goes toward the charity, church, or school of your choice every time they use it, as long as the group participates with Goodsearch.

So when NOMOTC sent this information out in which we can earn charitable donations for our club by using something we use everyday, well I thought this was fabulous.

So I am sharing this to either ask our "sisters in twin-dom" to use Goodsearch and enter "National Organization of Mothers of Multiples Club, Inc." as the club they wish to support...OR...I am informing you about Goodsearch so that you may enter your school, church or non-profit organization and share this information with your members so they can begin earning donations for your group.

Happy Searching!

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

The Greatest Woman I Know

WOW! Could we smile any bigger. Ok, not the best picture of us. After all, we were in a bar. But there she is all the same, my friend, my advisor, my ex-roommate, my confidant, my support system, my biggest fan (as I am her biggest fan, too), MY MOM!

She is a rock. My rock. There are no words in the English language big enough to describe her character. Loyal, talented, trustworthy, intelligent, generous and thoughtful are just a few that hardly even come close. Every good quality I own I got from her. What a blessed woman I am to have been her daughter!

This is not coming out of no where, although it may seem that way. She has given me some very solid advice in recent weeks and she may not have realized it. So, I decided to share my appreciation for the greatest woman I know with the world rather just her (another reason I love my blog!!!). She has been dead-on with nearly every piece of advice she has ever offered up my whole life. I won't say that, by any means, I always listened. What about the times that I did not listen to her? Well, we will just call those decisions "my most regrettable ones".

She has come so far in her life. And she did so with her wits and a strength worthy of envy by even the strongest person. She pulled herself out of some major misfortune and created a very comfortable life for herself and her loved ones. She could attribute her successes to an incredible common sense along with book smarts.

She is my best friend and has been for years. I can honestly say that she would be my friend even if she wasn't my mom.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Obviously 2 much 2 do


Major oops! Mommy brain strikes again! I registered for the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer today. Set up my web page. Sent out emails to all my friends and family about the event and fundraising, I had it all together. Luckily I sent it to a friend who obviously knew my schedule better than I and kindly reminded me that I had another commitment already that weekend. My 2006 Mid-Atlantic Parents of Multiples "Treasure the Memories" Convention! Can you say OOPS?!?!

A couple of things lead to this oops. It all began with my getting a knew pocket calendar. I went from one that had a month per page to one with a week per page. This can kind of skew how one looks at their schedule. I had written down the Twins Convention for the last weekend in March instead of the last weekend in April where it belonged. The Avon walk is the last weekend in April, hence, the oops. My roomie for the convention, thankfully, noticed my error and promptly brought it to my attention. Where I quickly sent a retraction email, of sorts, to my dear friends and family, tail tucked and humbled once again.