Friday, February 10, 2006

Who Knew? Searching = Good Deed?

Nomotc logo

is very wise to team up with

GoodSearch logo

Perhaps you have heard of this before, but it was news to me.

The National Organization of Mothers of Multiples has joined Goodsearch. You may disagree, but, I think this is a very practicle and effective fundraising tool. All people must do is use Goodsearch to do their online searches and $0.01 goes toward the charity, church, or school of your choice every time they use it, as long as the group participates with Goodsearch.

So when NOMOTC sent this information out in which we can earn charitable donations for our club by using something we use everyday, well I thought this was fabulous.

So I am sharing this to either ask our "sisters in twin-dom" to use Goodsearch and enter "National Organization of Mothers of Multiples Club, Inc." as the club they wish to support...OR...I am informing you about Goodsearch so that you may enter your school, church or non-profit organization and share this information with your members so they can begin earning donations for your group.

Happy Searching!

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