Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Others with 2@1ce

I adore meeting other M.O.M.s (Mothers of Multiples). It is so great to talk to someone in which you feel so many remarks or sidenotes can go un-said because, you know they know what you know, ya know? They know how it feels to worry, times two. Some know what it is like to feel like a dairy heifer. Most know the hideousness of serious sleep deprivation. I think most MOMs enjoy getting advise, giving advise and of course, comparing notes. It makes me feel a part of a special club.

That is one of the reasons I L-O-V-E going to my twin club conventions. There, I am in a room full of hundreds of women for whom I know have walked in my shoes. And that feeling is quite comfortable.

Some of us share a closely similar story, while others are unique, but they have all been there. Some have twins only, twins plus 1, 2, or more. Some have two sets of twins, ouch! Then there are those with higher order multiples, bigger ouch! Some had children very close together, like mine. Others started over by having twins later in life after their first child(ren) was/were grown or out of the house. Some were young when they had them, some had menopause babies. They either stay home with them or work full-time jobs. Some are raising them as a single parent, an even bigger ouch!

Any way you slice it, everyone in that room knows what it is like to have more than one baby at one time. We all know where the rest of us have been and we all respect each other for it. Yes, a very comfortable place to be indeed.

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