Wednesday, February 08, 2006

The Greatest Woman I Know

WOW! Could we smile any bigger. Ok, not the best picture of us. After all, we were in a bar. But there she is all the same, my friend, my advisor, my ex-roommate, my confidant, my support system, my biggest fan (as I am her biggest fan, too), MY MOM!

She is a rock. My rock. There are no words in the English language big enough to describe her character. Loyal, talented, trustworthy, intelligent, generous and thoughtful are just a few that hardly even come close. Every good quality I own I got from her. What a blessed woman I am to have been her daughter!

This is not coming out of no where, although it may seem that way. She has given me some very solid advice in recent weeks and she may not have realized it. So, I decided to share my appreciation for the greatest woman I know with the world rather just her (another reason I love my blog!!!). She has been dead-on with nearly every piece of advice she has ever offered up my whole life. I won't say that, by any means, I always listened. What about the times that I did not listen to her? Well, we will just call those decisions "my most regrettable ones".

She has come so far in her life. And she did so with her wits and a strength worthy of envy by even the strongest person. She pulled herself out of some major misfortune and created a very comfortable life for herself and her loved ones. She could attribute her successes to an incredible common sense along with book smarts.

She is my best friend and has been for years. I can honestly say that she would be my friend even if she wasn't my mom.


Anonymous said...

WOW who would have guessed that she was hearing and paying attention. It made me cry to read this. She is the best even if she is my daughter.

Anonymous said...

By the way - I TOO love your Mom and she isn't even mine. When I met her, I knew exactly where you got your spunk, your devotion, and your love of people from. She did an excellent job raising you, as you are doing with your kids... I'm lucky to have been able to meet both of you in my lifetime.

caasmom said...

Aww, that is the sweetest thing anyone has said to me in a very long time. Thanks BFF!